
The District participates in the following stormwater construction practices:

  • Construction Site Inspections
  • Construction Site Complaints
  • Construction Site Permitting
  • Stormwater Training for engineers, contractors, and other professionals


Site Inspections

In collaboration with the NYS DEC and the municipalities of Monroe County, we conduct construction site inspections and respond to citizens’ complaints in Monroe County for compliance with Phase II regulations for the State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES).

MCSWCD conducts construction site inspections to help protect water quality and reduce erosion. During these inspections, the District staff identify erosion and sediment control practices that may have been installed incorrectly or are absent in places where they should be implemented. Properly installed erosion and sediment control practices, such as silt fences, can save soil from being washed into roadside ditches, stormwater sewers, streams, ponds and lakes.




Here you can find links to commonly used stormwater construction permits