Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District
Technical Services
We provide a wide range of technical services to homeowners, municipalities, and local farmers. Many of our services can be covered under grants and local funding sources, but not all technical services provided by us are free. Listed below are some of the most common technical services provided to the general public and landowners.
Soil Group Worksheets
Soil group worksheets are submitted to a town for an agricultural assessment. Before submitting, the town will ask that you receive a soil group worksheet and soil map of your parcel(s) from the District. To learn more about soil group worksheets, please visit our soil group worksheet page. Cost: $40.00 per parcel
Pond Site Investigations
Phase 1: An assessment of the property to determine if it is feasible to construct a pond on a property. This service covers time spent in the office creating maps of site features as well as analyzing site conditions to determine if and where a pond can be constructed on a property. Cost: $200.00
Phase II: Includes a deep hole soil assessment. This test is conducted to verify the soils at the proposed pond location. The soil profiles will be logged as part of this site visit and provided to the landowner. This test is required for an excavator to be operated by the owner or an independent contractor. The excavator must be able to dig to a depth of at least 6 to 8 feet to conduct the test. Cost: $175.00
Permit Assistance
We provide permit assistance on a case by case basis for projects that require wetland and stream permits. Deposit Amount: $100.00 Hourly Fee: $30.00/hr
Aerial Photographs
We offer historical aerial images by request. Images are $10 per flight date for digital copies.
Years offered:
Digital: 1930, 1951, 1961, 1970, 1980, 1988, and 1999.
Hardcopy: 1951, 1970, 1980, 1989
Aerial images can be requested by email at
Agricultural Drainage Design & Assistance
Field tile drainage design and plans provided to farmers for agricultural fields. Deposit Amount: $150.00 Cost:$0.05 per ft Drainage Tile
General Site Visits & Conservation Planning
We can provide professional technical assistance to homeowners and landowners experiencing streambank erosion, drainage issues, pond health issues, and shoreline erosion. We also provide backyard conservation guidance to enhance the wildlife value of your property. This technical assistance guidance is usually provided through a site visit and tailored information provided to you based on your situation. All site visits are charged an hourly fee that includes technical preparation, travel time, site visit time, and any follow-up. Cost: $30.00 per hour
Operating Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed weekends and all federal holidays