Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District
The District office will be closed Monday, Jan. 20th, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
About Us
The MCSWCD is a municipal subdivision that partners with state, local, and federal agencies, as well as watershed groups to educate and assist landowners and municipalities in planning and implementing best management practices that stabilize soil, improve water quality, manage stormwater runoff, preserve open space, and manage fish and wildlife habitat. The District provides technical assistance in the preservation and restoration of streams, wetlands, woodlots, agricultural land and low impact development to landowners, farmers, engineers, contractors, developers, and municipalities. We have been hard at work since 1953, and are committed to protecting today, to provide for tomorrow.
District Staff
Kelly Emerick
Executive Director
James Sroka
Soil & Water Resource Technician
Kristin White
Principal Office Account Clerk
Jacob Kearney
Conservation Program Specialist
Soil & Water Planning Technician
Board of Directors
Rollin Pickering
Chairperson/NY Grange Rep.
Maureen Leupold
Vice Chair/Member at Large
Chuck Colby
Treasurer/Member at Large
Marc Krieger
Assistant Treasurer/Farm Bureau Rep.
Steve Brew
Legislative Rep.
Legislative Rep.
Practical Farm Rep.
Monthly Board of Director Meetings
Our Board of Directors meets at 8:00 a.m. on the third Monday of each month at Building 1 in the Monroe County Fleet Center (145 Paul Road, Building 1).
The public is invited to attend. Anyone interested in attending a Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Directors meeting should contact the office to request Board meeting materials such as agenda, minutes, etc. prior to the meeting date.
All MCSWCD programs and services are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, political beliefs, religion, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability. Should you need reasonable disability-related accommodations they may be requested by contacting the MCSWCD.
Operating Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed weekends and all federal holidays