Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District
The District office will be closed Monday, Jan. 20th, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Spotted Lanternfly Monitoring
Spotted lanternfly (SLF) is a serious invasive pest originating from Asia that was recently found in our region. SLF uses its piercing-sucking mouthparts to feed on sap from over 70 different plant species, but has a strong preference for economically important plants including grapevines, maple trees, and fruit trees. They are also commonly found on the invasive tree-of-heaven, their host plant in Asia. Tree-of-heaven has become widespread throughout Monroe County. The feeding damage significantly stresses the plants leading to decreased health and potentially death. The sap secreted by SLF as it feeds attracts black sooty molds, impacting the host plant's health and attracting other potentially damaging pests. SLF do not bite or sting humans or pets.
The early detection and rapid response to SLF it of utmost important in Monroe County given our proximity to the economically important Finger Lakes region, along with the destruction of our own local ecosystem.
In fall of 2023, an established population of breeding SLF was confirmed in Monroe County for the first time within the Town of Greece.
You can help stop the spread of SLF by checking gear, furniture, vehicles, and equipment that are left outside for eggs, nymphs, and adults. SLF will lay eggs on anything they can find. Instructions for reporting SLF infestations can be found at the bottom of this page.
Egg Masses
~ 1" long
Early Stage Nymph
Up to 1/4" long
Late Stage Nymph
1/2" long
~ 1" long
Our Work
Since 2022, the District has partnered with SUNY Brockport Department of Environmental Science & Ecology to monitor locations across the county for SLF presence. What started as 15 traps located in 8 county parks has expanded into 35 traps located in 13 county parks and 19 town/village/city parks.
All of our traps have an educational sign associated with them and should not be tampered with under any circumstances.
In September 2024 the first SLF adult was found in one of our traps in the Town of Greece. Another adult was found in October in the same trap. These findings were reported to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Markets.
Reporting SLF Sightings
For more information on SLF and to report any sightings of SLF please visit the SLF page on the NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets website:
Operating Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed weekends and all federal holidays